Gift vs. Grant Determination

Gift vs. Grant Determination

What is a Grant?

A grant is a financial contribution from a sponsor in exchange for specific duties such as research and development. Grants may come from a U.S Government, at the federal, state, or local level, or the private-sector.

The presence of any of the following conditions may require that the funds be treated as a grant:

What is a Grant? (cont.)

The presence of any of the following conditions may require that the funds be treated as a grant:

What is a Gift?

A gift is a donation of money or property from a sponsor with the expectation of nothing significant of value in return. Gifts may come from an individual, non-governmental sources or the private-sector (such as groups, non-profits organizations and businesses). A gift can be either restricted or unrestricted.

An unrestricted gift may be spent at the discretion of the university and is not limited to specific purposes, objective, programs, or organizational units. A gift is considered unrestricted if the donor does not specify how the funds are to be used.

A restricted gift is a contribution designated for a specific purpose, objective or program, but the donor does not have specific control over expenditures or over the work performed. As long as the general interest of the donor is met, the funds may be spent at the discretion of the university.

What is a Gift? (cont.)

The presence of any of the following conditions may require that the funds be treated as a gift: