Case Study Review

Click on the highlighted words to see explanations of the eight significant ethical issues portrayed in the study.

A researcher wants to conduct a research project studying the effect of a drug prevention education program for high school students.

The researcher has designed the curriculum and evaluation materials (pre-test and post-test questionnaires, and focus group discussion). As well as collecting demographic data

Demographic data needs to be collected in a way such that subjects can not be identified, especially if responses contain information that is sensitive or about illegal activities. For example, in New Hampshire, due to the relatively small number of minorities in the population, detailed demographic data including race, could potentially identify unique individuals.

, the evaluation will include questions about students’ personal drug use

Subjects are being asked to report on behaviors that are illegal. This type of information must be collected, recorded, and stored with the utmost care to protect the identity of the individual and confidentiality of the data, especially as it could be subpoenaed. If the data is not adequately protected, the social and legal risks to individuals could be very high.

, attitudes toward drug use, knowledge of effects of drugs and related health issues, and the effectiveness of the program. High school teachers will deliver the curriculum and administer the questionnaires, and undergraduates

Are undergraduate students appropriate for conducting focus group sessions with high school students where illegal behaviors might be discussed? The researcher (university professor) is responsible for ensuring that research personnel are adequately trained to perform their duties, and that they carry out their duties in an ethical and responsible manner. At a minimum, the undergraduates involved should receive instruction in issues of protecting confidentiality and privacy, and in conducting focus group sessions. Ideally, the researcher should be present to assist when needed.

will conduct the focus groups

Focus groups are not the most appropriate method to evaluate a drug prevention education program for high school students where illegal activities might be discussed. Confidentiality of information and anonymity are hard to maintain as students may discuss what was said outside the focus group. If this occurs and subjects disclose illegal behaviors, there are potentially high social and legal risks for subjects.


A high school principal agreed to let the researcher pilot the program in his school, and sent a letter to parents informing them students would be required

Participation in a research study must be voluntary; subjects (students) can not be required to participate. If the principal wants to require students to participate in the drug prevention education program, it must be reconfigured to be a part of the school curriculum versus a research project. If the UNH researcher wants to collect evaluative data from subjects as part of a research project, he must get consent for each student to participate from their legal representative (parent/guardian) first, and then the assent of each student. If either the legal representative or student declines to participate, the student can not be forced to participate in the research project (data collection).

to participate in the project unless a parent objected

Even if a child’s legal representative (parent/guardian) has given consent for him/her to participate in a research study, the child (student) must be offered the opportunity to accept (assent) or decline to participate. If a child declines, h/she can not be forced to participate in the research study.

. If students attended the class, completed the pre- and post-test questionnaires, and participated in the focus groups if invited, they would receive a passing grade; if they failed to complete any component, they would receive a failing grade

Assignment of a passing grade for a class dependent upon participation in a research component is coercion. Subjects in research projects must be able to choose to participate (or not) free from coercion. If the principal wants to require students to participate in the drug prevention education program, it must be reconfigured to be a part of the school curriculum versus a research project. If the researcher wants to collect evaluative data from subjects as part of a research project, the assignment of a passing grade can not be dependent upon participation in the research. In addition, students not participating in the research component must be offered alternative activities.


The researcher planned to give students instructions on how to develop a unique code for their questionnaires (to match up pre- and post-test responses) so they could not be identified. The focus group discussions would be audiorecorded

As students’ illegal behaviors might be discussed in the focus groups, and the recordings could be subject to forced disclosure (i.e., subpoena), audiorecording is not prudent.

and transcribed for analysis.